Thursday, July 18, 2013

DOWNTOWN! North Main 100 Block West

... where the Municipal Building is ...
North Main Street at North Water Street looking North, current view

The Wilson's building in the fifties.
In the previous chapter we looked at the East side of the 100 Block of North Main Street, as seen on the right side of the photo above. We left off, I recall, looking at the then-and-now pictures of what I call the Wilson's building (inset photo, right). (I will find the real names for these buildings and correct them as I go along. There's a brochure about Main Street down at the museum but I haven't been there in a while.) Anyway, In this chapter we will be looking at the West side of the 100 Block of North Main Street, beginning where the Municipal Building is now. The view above was taken around dusk of 2013. The view below is a little older...

North Main Street at North Water Street looking North, circa 1900 view
The above photo is the same view as the 2013 photo. You can compare the two by looking at the storefront to the extreme right of both photos, the one I've been calling the Wilson's Building, distinctive by the pointed decorations at the top peaks of the roof. A couple of major differences between the two photos -- other than the dirt road and the horse drawn carriages -- is the absence of both The Municipal Building and the Creamery Package Building seen on the West side of the street in the 2013 photo. In place of the Municipal Building we see a wooden frame structure with a shingled roof on the SouthWest corner. More to Come